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Canine Behavioral Therapy dog training puppy training home training potty training

Where others fail, we succeed!

    From crazy puppies to aggressive dogs, we take pride in addressing the issues that most dog trainers miss or completely ignore. Our team is dedicated to helping dog owners rehabilitate their problematic dogs as well as teach owners how to raise puppies in a way that we can avoid problem behaviors commonly associated with certain breeds, temperaments, and lifestyles.


How are we unique?


     1.) Home simulated dog training with an environment and schedule that helps with generalization and transition home.


      2.) We are a training-only facility with a limited number of spots available which ensures all dogs are receiving the highest quality attention and training.


      3.) We teach basic obedience with distance, duration, and distraction, as well as the components of dog training that most professionals ignore or miss completely!


      4.) All programs include multiple Private In-Home sessions, ensuring the results you pay for actually last. Training clients also earn special privileged services after training has taken place.  We will always be a lifeline for you!


Dog puppy training dog trainer behaviorist


Your dog's mental health is our top priority.


At Canine Behavioral Therapy, we use Fusion Programs to optimize the learning process for both the Dog and Handler.

Fusion Programs combine services such as Board and Train, Private In-Home sessions, Online Content, Group Events, and more!

Program Elements

in home private sessions dog training aggressive dog separation anxiety

In-Home Private Sessions 

From our home to yours

CBT Dog Training can take place from the comfort of your home. Whether there’s issues with commuting, or problems specific to the environment, we’ll help you get to the root of the issues with this low-stress option. 

dog training puppy puppies nipping jumping barking dog leash

Board and Train 

Home away from home

Board and Train is an excellent option for problems that are too overwhelming for pet parents to get started on. We do the hard work for you and set you and your dog up for long-term success. Unlike other board and train programs, your dog will board in a home-simulated environment and maintain a home life schedule resulting in low-stress rehabilitation and socialization, as well as aiding in the generalization of the training and ease of transition home. Board and train options include video updates, Private Sessions, and a combination of other program elements. 

Other Program Elements
dog training online class content behavior modification

Online Class

All Fusion Programs give you access to our online content to support your learning and handling abilities. Foundational skills are important for creating big changes and our online class allows you to work at a pace that will benefit you the most while giving you resources to refer back to in moments of struggle.

group class dog training pack walk

Group Events

Group Events will occur regularly and vary from group classes to pack walks and more. This gives you the opportunity to test your skills around a community of other coachable individuals and their dogs. Group Event dates will be posted in the Facebook Support Group for our clients. Feel free to use this space to network and get to know others that may attend our events.

canine social conditioning teaching dogs how to play socialize together

Canine Social Conditioning

This program is led by one of our Behavioral Specialists. Your dog will participate in structured social sessions with other hand-selected dogs to promote social skills relating to pack hierarchy, cooperation, handling conflict, and understanding body language 


©2022 by Canine Behavioral Therapy - Dog Training. 

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